Mission 35
13, 1943
There isn't
much to say about this one except that it
was long and tiresome. Our target was an
airdrome at Sicily. There was from 70 to
100 planes on it and I'd be that there isn't
over 25 of them intact right now. It was
well covered. We lost a plane, it was hit
in the left wing by flak and caused it to
catch fire. Four chutes were seen to open.
I saw it roll over on its back, go straight
down and after three spins it broke up into
a million pieces. "Duke" Cummings
the co-pilot was my classmate and Capt. Jerry
Thomas, the pilot was G. R. It was tough
watching them go down but we have to do it.
That's the second one I've seen explode in
mid-air. I had to feather
#2 engine on my plane because of a hit
behind the super-charger
.April 14, 1943
a floor in our tent and did a away with the
rugs. We used frag boxes for lumber. I
am leaving for rest camp tomorrow and it
doesn't look like I'm gonna get to look for
Marvin because you have to
have a special order from the Commanding
Officer to ride transports now, and
Col Gormly refused Alex.
Note - Marvin J. Arnett, by grandfather,
was in the Seabees and somewhere in North
Africa at this time]
15, 1942
Eked up courage
enough to ask for a special order and actually
got it. He even gave me transportation to
Telegrma to catch a transport. Caught one
to Algiers and another to Oran where I am
now. The weather closed in so I couldn't
get out to Casablanca. Swenson
and I went to the flickers
to pass away the time.
April 16, 1943
caught the 8:30 plane to Casablanca and arrived
there at 12:00, just in time for lunch. I
walked into the officers mess and lo and
behold there was chicken-fried steak by the
platter fulls. Boy, did I eat! Well,
I got on the phone and
called the Seabee's personnel
office and M. J. wasn't
listed and he told me that
the only place he could
be was at Oran so I caught
the same plane back to
Oran. I didn't get here
until late so I'll try
again in the morning.
17, 1943
To make a
long story short, I found out that there
was a battalion of Seabees at Arzew about
20 miles up the coast from Oran, so I got
a jeep and drove up there. It was up there
alright but Marvin wasn't in the bunch. Disgusted
as hell I went back to Oran and inquired
at the Navy fleet post office and asked if
8280 was listed or in the vicinity of Oran
and it wasn't. That was
my last bet. Somebody has lost his marbles
and I don't think it's me. Being
really disgusted, I
gave up and caught
the 3:15 plane for
Algiers, where I am
now to spend a couple
of days before going
back to camp.
April 18, 1943
all over Algiers just looking the city over
and didn't accomplish a darn thing but tired
feet and a hungry stomach. My
first night in town and it had an air raid.
I never saw an air raid with so much anti-aircraft
in my life. It had just gotten dark when
hell broke loose. I couldn't help but go
right down on the water front and watch the
show and I'll never forget it. Anybody would
have to be either drunk or crazy to try and
fly the barrage of flak that is put up over
the harbor of Algiers. One
plane tried it,
but didn't get
to first base.
He must have been
tired of living
or something.
19, 1943
got up this
morning, had breakfast and
took a stroll
down the docks to see
if any damage
was done by the raiders
last night.
Speaker, Maj Coverly and I saw the fire works
from a ringside seat again -- like d-- fools.